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  • Perfect office space

    What makes the perfect office?

    Unique Office Design

    A simple online search yields countless opinions on the ideal office layout. Some advocate for open-plan arrangements, while others extol the virtues of segmented spaces. Bright, vibrant wall décor receives praise from some, while others endorse a more subdued ambiance. So, who is correct? In truth, they all are!

    unique office design

    We maintain that there’s no universally perfect office blueprint, as the requirements of various organizations differ significantly. Office design should mirror the distinct identity and ethos of an organization. If fostering collaboration is paramount for your business, an open, colorful layout might be optimal. Conversely, if a tranquil work environment is desired, enclosed spaces with muted colors could be the solution.

    Office Essentials

    Integration of Natural Elements

    Research confirms that exposure to natural light enhances mood and well-being. When possible, position workstations near windows to capitalize on this benefit. Alternatively, if window proximity isn’t feasible, incorporate artificial lighting solutions and embrace biophilic design principles to emulate nature’s influence.
    office space with natural elements


    In today’s digital era, a reliable internet connection and seamless access to systems are imperative. Even companies primarily operating offline still require occasional internet access. Poor connectivity frustrates employees, underscoring the importance of prioritizing this aspect in office design.

    office space connectivity

    Ergonomic Furnishings

    Optimal workstation setups are pivotal for productivity and employee well-being. Furnishings should be fully adjustable, enabling individuals to customize their setup for maximum comfort and support. Investing in high-quality chairs with armrests and lumbar support ensures sustained comfort throughout the workday.

    office space egronomic furniture

    Crafting Your Perfect Office

    While an off-the-shelf perfect office might not exist, tailoring one to your organization’s needs is entirely feasible.

    Initiate dialogue with your staff to ascertain their specific requirements and preferences. Additionally, anticipate future growth and evolution of your business and workforce when devising office design and fit-out plans.

    While maintaining uniqueness tailored to your business is crucial, drawing inspiration from other office spaces can prove beneficial. Peruse recent projects and online resources to uncover innovative features that align with your vision.

    Engaging with office design and construction specialists is pivotal for refining your ideas into actionable plans. They can offer insights on budgets, timelines, and more, facilitating the realization of your ideal workspace. Reach out to us to explore how we can assist in creating your perfect office environment—we’re eager to collaborate with you on this journey.

  • Work from Home or Work from the Office?

    In the ever-evolving landscape of work, the traditional office-based model has been challenged by the rise of remote work. As businesses adapt to changing circumstances and employee expectations, the debate continues: Is it better to work from home, or is the office still the optimal setting? Let’s delve into the pros and cons for employees, employers, and the companies themselves to find a nuanced perspective.

    work from home

    Work from Home


    1. Flexibility: Remote work offers employees the flexibility to create a personalized work environment, potentially leading to increased job satisfaction and work-life balance.
    2. Cost Savings: Employees can save on commuting expenses and work attire, contributing to potential financial savings.
    3. Increased Productivity: Some individuals find that the absence of office distractions enhances their focus and productivity.


    1. Isolation: Working from home may lead to feelings of isolation and a lack of social interaction, potentially impacting mental well-being.
    2. Blurred Boundaries: The line between work and personal life can become blurred, making it challenging to establish clear boundaries.
    3. Tech Challenges: Technical issues and a potential lack of access to necessary resources can hinder remote work effectiveness.

    work from office

    Work from the Office


    1. Collaboration: In-person collaboration fosters creativity and the exchange of ideas, often leading to more innovative solutions.
    2. Structured Environment: The office provides a structured work environment, helping employees maintain a routine and separate work from personal life.
    3. Company Culture: Being physically present in the office helps employees better connect with the company culture and values.


    1. Commute and Costs: The daily commute can be time-consuming and costly, contributing to potential stress and decreased job satisfaction.
    2. Limited Flexibility: The fixed nature of office hours may limit flexibility for employees with specific personal or family needs.
    3. Health and Safety Concerns: External factors, such as health and safety concerns (as seen during the COVID-19 pandemic), can impact the feasibility and desirability of working from the office.

    employer point of view

    Employers point of view


    1. Increased Oversight: Having employees in the office allows for easier supervision and management of workflows.
    2. Fostering Team Bonding: The office environment facilitates team-building activities and nurtures a sense of belonging.
    3. Access to Resources: In-office work ensures that employees have direct access to all necessary resources and technology.


    1. Operational Costs: Maintaining office spaces incurs operational costs, including rent, utilities, and maintenance.
    2. Potential Talent Loss: Companies insisting on in-office work may lose out on talented individuals who prefer or require remote work options.
    3. Adapting to Change: Adapting to remote work requires companies to invest in technology, cybersecurity, and policies to ensure a smooth transition.


    The Verdict

    In the ongoing debate of work from home versus work from the office, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. The optimal choice depends on the nature of the work, employee preferences, and the goals of the company. Striking a balance, perhaps through hybrid work models, allows businesses to harness the benefits of both remote and in-office work.

    Ultimately, fostering open communication, understanding individual needs, and embracing flexibility will be key in navigating the evolving landscape of work, ensuring that both employees and employers can thrive in their respective environments.

  • team party in office celebrate

    Why holiday spirit is so important at the workplace?

    Building Team Unity

    The magic of Christmas and New Year celebrations brings people together at work. Looking forward to something special makes everyone feel connected and strengthens the team.

    Festive decorations, shared laughter, and a friendly atmosphere turn colleagues from just co-workers into collaborators working together towards shared goals.

    Boosting Productivity with Cheer

    A festive atmosphere can actually boost productivity. During the holiday season, the joyous vibes trigger the release of happy hormones, making people work better.

    Wondering how to bring this spirit to your workplace? It’s easier than you think, and here are three simple ways to do it.
    Cheers at the office - celebration

    • Transforming Your Workspace

      Begin by decorating your office with Christmas stuff. The Christmas tree is the main attraction, and it’s great to have the whole team help decorate it for a personal touch. Make a comfy corner with tasty treats, play festive music, and maybe even have a hot cocoa spot. These easy additions make the office feel warm and celebratory.

    • Secret Santa Tradition

      Participate in the beloved tradition of Secret Santa. Colleagues draw names, exchanging symbolically thoughtful gifts. It’s essential to set a budget to ensure everyone can comfortably participate, steering clear of any potential financial unease. The subsequent guessing game adds an element of excitement and camaraderie to the festivities, fostering a sense of shared joy.

    • Corporate Traditions

      Get creative with your office traditions to inspire and bring the team together. Whether it’s themed parties, charity events, or unique experiences, the goal is to build a shared sense of purpose and celebration.The idea is to share the holiday spirit across the workplace, making lasting memories for everyone.

    Expressing Gratitude to Your Team

    In the busy holiday season, don’t forget how important your team is. Taking a moment to say thanks and show appreciation can really boost morale and team spirit.

    As the year ends, think about setting up a thoughtful recognition program to thank each employee for their hard work and dedication.

    • Personalized Tokens of Appreciation

      While it may be challenging to individually thank every employee, consider personalized tokens of appreciation. Whether it’s a handwritten note, a small gift, or even a heartfelt email, expressing gratitude goes a long way. Recognize their efforts, highlight their accomplishments, and convey how integral they are to the success of the team.

    • Greeting Cards and Well-Wishes

      If thanking each employee individually proves logistically challenging, consider sending personalized holiday greeting cards. A sincere message expressing gratitude, well-wishes for the holidays, and anticipation for the upcoming year can make employees feel valued and acknowledged.
      best wishes card


    As the year draws to a close, employees often find themselves most tired and exhausted. Expressing appreciation for their hard work at this time is not just a gesture; it’s a morale booster.

    Fostering a festive atmosphere in the workplace is a tangible investment in the well-being of your team. Acknowledging and appreciating the efforts of each employee is a powerful motivator that transcends the holiday season into the next year

  • Header Image

    Picking the Perfect Location for Your Business

    Selecting the ideal location for your business is a pivotal decision that can significantly impact your success. The right location can bring in more customers, increase your visibility, and drive profitability. Conversely, choosing the wrong location may lead to struggles and missed opportunities. To help you make an informed decision, we’ve created the ultimate guide to choosing the right location for your business, breaking down ten key factors to consider:

    1. Define Your Target Audience

    Understanding your target audience is the foundational step in selecting the right location. Your location should align with the demographics, preferences, and behaviors of your potential customers. Are you targeting young professionals, families, tourists, or a niche market? Knowing your audience helps you identify the areas where they are most likely to be found.

    2. Assess Foot Traffic

    Foot traffic is a critical indicator of a location’s potential. High foot traffic areas can lead to increased visibility and a larger customer base. Visit the area at different times of the day and week to gauge foot traffic and see if it matches your business’s operating hours and target audience. Consider the impact of nearby attractions, events, and neighboring businesses on foot traffic.
    foot traffic

    3. Accessibility

    Accessibility is key for both customers and employees. Your location should be easily accessible by road, highway, public transportation, and walking. Adequate parking facilities, including on-site or nearby options, are essential for customer convenience.

    4. Competition Analysis

    While competition can be healthy, it’s crucial to analyze the competitive landscape in the area. Research your competitors, their strengths, and weaknesses. Identify what unique value your business can offer to stand out. If there’s fierce competition, you may need a distinctive selling proposition to capture the market.

    5. Cost and Budget

    Create a comprehensive budget that accounts for all expenses associated with the location. This includes rent or purchase price, utilities, taxes, insurance, maintenance, and potential renovations. A clear budget will help you avoid financial strain and ensure the location aligns with your business’s financial health.

    6. Zoning and Regulations

    Different locations come with varying zoning laws and regulations that dictate the types of business activities allowed. Consult with local authorities and zoning experts to ensure your business is in compliance. Navigating zoning laws is vital to avoid unexpected legal complications in the future.

    7. Infrastructure and Amenities

    Evaluate the availability of critical infrastructure and amenities. A stable internet connection, reliable utility services, and proximity to suppliers, distributors, and partners can significantly impact your daily operations. Ensure your location offers the necessary infrastructure to support your business’s unique needs.

    8. Market Research

    Conduct thorough market research to understand the local demand for your products or services. Analyze market trends, consumer behavior, and potential growth in the chosen location. This research will help you make data-driven decisions about whether the area aligns with your business goals.
    market research

    9. Future Growth Potential

    Think long-term when choosing your business location. Is the area experiencing growth or decline? A location with potential for future development can be an excellent investment, as it may lead to an increase in customer base and profitability. Consider the long-term outlook and potential of the location to ensure it aligns with your business’s future goals.

    10. Consult Experts

    Choosing the right location is a complex decision, and it’s often wise to seek guidance from local real estate experts or commercial real estate agents. They can provide valuable insights, offer recommendations based on market knowledge, and help you navigate the intricacies of location selection.
    Cbs Luna centar

    In conclusion, the process of selecting the right location for your business is multifaceted and requires careful consideration. Each of the ten factors mentioned plays a crucial role in determining your location’s suitability. Tailor your approach to your specific industry, business goals, and audience. With a well-researched and informed decision, you can position your business for growth, visibility, and success. Choose your location wisely, and best of luck in your business endeavors!

  • header image

    Changing Seasons, Changing Spaces: Adapting Your Office for Autumn

    Just as nature transforms, it’s the perfect time to adapt your office space to embrace the spirit of this enchanting season. In this blog post, we’ll explore creative ways to adapt your office environment, making it more inviting and conducive to productivity as autumn unfolds.

    1. Infuse Warm Autumn Colors:

    Autumn is a time of warm, earthy colors, and bringing these hues into your office space can create a cozy and welcoming atmosphere. Consider adding touches of rustic reds, golden yellows, and deep oranges through office decor. This can include anything from throw pillows and wall art to office supplies and accent pieces.
    office space

    2. Seasonal Decor:

    Don’t hesitate to bring the beauty of autumn indoors. Adorn your office with autumn-themed decorations like wreaths, fall leaves, and pumpkins. These seasonal accents add charm and celebrate the changing season.

    3. Warm Lighting:

    As daylight hours shorten, invest in warm, energy-efficient lighting that mimics the soft glow of autumn sunsets. Good lighting can enhance the ambiance of your workspace, making it more comfortable for your team.

    4. Cozy Workspaces:

    Consider incorporating comfortable and cozy seating areas within your office. Soft chairs and blankets can create inviting nooks for employees to take breaks or collaborate in a relaxed atmosphere.
    autumn office

    5. Seasonal Refreshments:

    Elevate office morale by offering seasonal treats and beverages. Warm apple cider, pumpkin spice lattes, and fresh-baked goods can infuse your workspace with the flavors and aromas of autumn, fostering a sense of togetherness.

    6. Outdoor Connections:

    Don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy the crisp autumn air. Organize outdoor meetings or brainstorming sessions in a nearby park. Connecting with nature can invigorate your team and provide a refreshing change of scenery.
    autumn office

    7. Productivity Enhancement:

    With the changing season comes a shift in energy. Encourage employees to embrace this transformation by setting new goals and planning projects that align with the fresh start that autumn represents.

    8. Wellness Focus:

    Recognize that autumn can bring challenges like reduced daylight hours and potential seasonal blues. Combat this by introducing wellness initiatives, such as workplace yoga, stress-relief activities, or enhanced lighting.

    autumn office

  • main office image

    Modern office spaces trends

    The Covid-19 pandemic changed the world in the last two years. Many industries had to quickly adapt to the new reality, which affected all segments of our lives. Many companies have tried to design and improve their business premises so that they can maximize the satisfaction of their employees at the workplace.

    What does the workspace of the future look like?

    The future of work depends on flexibility, technology, and employee experience. That’s why more and more companies are trying to reshape the work environment and better align office design with their brand and culture. Modernizing the workspace also provides a unique opportunity to bring health and wellness into the everyday employee experience.

    Basic requirements – Air and lighting

    Air quality and lighting can significantly affect employee well-being and productivity. With 80-90% of days spent indoors, where concentrations of some pollutants are two to five times higher than outdoors, it is not surprising that natural light is an important factor in planning office spaces. Access to natural light is the number one attribute employees want in their office space. Improper lighting disrupts circadian rhythms, and natural light can have a significant impact on everything from mood to creativity and concentration.

    Apart from natural lighting, office lighting is also important because it affects the mood of the person staying in it and encourages maximum productivity if it is adequately positioned.The benefits of fresh air are numerous. The brain uses 20% of the air we breathe, so fresh air ultimately leads to clearer thinking, focus, and concentration. In addition to the psychological benefits of fresh air, there are also physiological benefits. When working indoors, breathing tends to be shallow.

    When you’re outdoors, moving, whether you’re walking or jogging, it encourages increased diaphragmatic breathing. Breathing fresh air has other health benefits. Viruses and bacteria have a reduced survival rate when air is constantly circulating. Poor quality indoor air can lead to a variety of ailments, including headaches, fatigue, and sometimes chronic illnesses, such as allergies and respiratory diseases.
    modern office interior

    End of endless sitting

    There is more and more scientific evidence about the harmful effects of prolonged sitting on health. It is a well-established fact that sitting has become the cause of many diseases, studies have linked long-term sitting to heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and other health conditions, and globally, 6% of deaths are attributed to physical inactivity.

    The office of the future, therefore, includes a flexible design in which employees can choose where and how they will work. This requires movement throughout the day in open space offices, private offices, meeting rooms, phone booths, lounges, recreation and dedicated meditation rooms, kitchens, and other common areas. Practical applications of this principle also include ergonomic office chairs and sitting desks, which encourage good posture to avoid strain while sitting. Hybrid office spaces are also used to encourage movement and reduce repetitive strain.
    modern office interior

    More colors and artwork in the workplace

    Color can make a big impression. Although many companies prefer to use only their corporate color palette, it is always advisable to consider other tones that subtly indicate what certain spaces are designed for. Soft colors improve concentration, and vivid colors improve collaboration and creativity.

    Traditional offices had uniform furniture – chairs of one type and all the same color. This idea that everything has to match perfectly is outdated. Color ultimately has a significant impact on employee mood and productivity. Different styles, brands, finishes, and fabrics of office chairs can help create a fun office environment to work in.

    Creating office interiors where employees can feel relaxed and friendly can be achieved in other ways, such as through artwork. Artistic work in the workplace has numerous positive effects. It has a powerful effect on mental health and well-being by creating a sense of calm and improving productivity, creativity, and mood in the office. Art is also a key part of the company’s brand identity. It forms unique elements in the workplace that give the office an authentic feel, a sense of community, and belonging.
    modern office interior

    Creating quiet spaces

    With all the benefits of open space, there are also challenges. Studies have shown that more than 50% of people have difficulty concentrating in open spaces. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), noise is an underestimated threat that can cause serious health problems and interfere with work performance.

    Complaints about a noisy office are often dismissed too quickly. Companies can mitigate noise through carpets, furniture, and ceilings, which are designed to absorb sound, and sound masking systems, as well as by setting aside dedicated spaces for so-called deaf rooms, where employees can do work, meet or talk in peace.
    modern office interior

    Biophilic office space

    Forward-thinking companies are embracing biophilic design with natural lighting, natural ventilation, and views of nature and flora, from green walls and potted plants to corporate gardens and outdoor workspaces.

    How does the office benefit from bringing nature indoors? Not only do plants affect memory, but they can also affect the mood of employees, lower stress levels, and have various other health benefits.

    This principle of interaction with nature is embedded in the office in the form of biophilic office design, from the inclusion of plant life in different parts of the office to living walls and rooftop gardens. Plants have numerous benefits, including separating and zoning office space, improving office aesthetics, and improving air quality.

    Focus on health and wellness

    The topic of workplace wellness has been around forever. Although this was once considered snobbery, today it is becoming an essential topic in all organizations. This became especially important after the pandemic, with the return of employees to offices.

    More and more companies are becoming health-conscious and adopting proactive workplace wellness programs. They promote them as part of a recruitment package in a competitive market to attract the best talent, who want to work in the best possible environment. As a result, workplace well-being has moved to the top of employee priorities. But workplace wellness means different things to different organizations.

    The workplace today is something to watch out for, it’s focused on the individual and that’s likely to stay the same for a while as workplace well-being becomes more important. Companies have also realized that workplace stress is the biggest health issue facing employees and are consequently working to create a more relaxed and healthy work environment for everyone.

    As employers rethink their workplaces, a key component of well-being is at the fore: social connectedness. According to many reports, support for social health at work is relatively low, with only 34% of workplace designs supporting socialization. A brilliantly designed space that matches the employer’s brand and includes areas for social interaction can create a true sense of belonging among employees
    modern office interior

  • facility management
    Facilities Management

    Why Professional Property Management is becoming more important?

    Property Management (PM) is the day-to-day supervision of residential, commercial or industrial real estate by a third party, usually a professional manager or property management company. Property management has long been considered an expense, but today it has become an integral part of a company’s success.

    Real estate management has become a very important service for most investors because it includes the entire management and control of all processes related to the exploitation of the building, with special reference to commercial and financial management services. The most dynamic segment in property management is certainly the segment of commercial buildings.

    Considering that the real estate market is intensively developing in all segments in addition to office buildings, increasing demand of these services is needed in the segments of residential complexes, retail parks, and logistics parks. The main roles of property managers are to manage routine tasks, delegated by the owner and to preserve the value of the property they manage.

    Some companies specialize in providing management services for a specific property type, while others offer management services for a range of property types. Significant number of property types can be managed in the residential segment (apartment buildings and apartment complexes, family houses, condominiums), commercial real estate (retail parks and shopping centers, office buildings, hotels, restaurants, gas stations, health facilities), as well as industrial complexes (factories, production complexes, plants, warehouses, distribution facilities, logistics parks, steel mills). Numerous types of special-purpose real estate do not fit into the above categories but still require management, such as theaters, schools, universities, sports arenas, homes for the elderly, student dormitories, and the like.

    Facilities Management (FM) is a concept of services and tools to ensure the functionality, comfort, safety, and efficiency of buildings, assets, and company systems which includes services such as technical maintenance, hygiene and cleaning services, physical security, and security systems as well as fire protection services. In addition to this, Facilities management services include the preparation of a long-term strategic plan for the management of a company’s facilities.

    There are two basic areas of Facilities Management:
    Hard Facilities Management and Soft Facilities Management. Hard Facilities Management deals with the physical parts of facilities, such as lighting, plumbing, elevators, air conditioning, heating and cooling systems, to ensure the facilities function smoothly in terms of infrastructure.

    Soft Facilities Management includes tasks performed by people such as cleaning and hygiene services, reception and security, lease management, waste management, and maintenance of green areas and plants.

    Facilities managers are responsible for collecting data on all necessary maintenance and renovation work. They issue orders for minor and major repairs and control plus coordinate their execution. They organize the removal of possible defects during the warranty period of the installed systems, coordinate emergency interventions and organize repairs. They are also in charge of preventive maintenance planning and they provide daily maintenance services for all systems to ensure the smooth functioning of properties.

    When you think of Facilities Management, you usually think of cleaning services adapted to the needs of individual properties and maintenance of hygiene standards in all areas, from offices, retail space, to warehouses and industrial facilities. In addition, the protection of employees and business operations is often under the control of Facilities management, especially the physical security of facilities, people and security systems.

    The threat of fire carries one of the greatest risks for loss of life and property damage. Facilities Management can also be engaged in the maintenance, inspection and testing of fire protection equipment and systems in the facility, keeping records and certificates of compliance.

    Facilities management can also offer a complete landscape maintenance service and they have developed a comprehensive maintenance plan for the external parts of buildings and facades during all seasons and weather conditions, including snow and ice removal.

    Integrated Facilities Management (IFM) is the unification of all solutions and processes related to facility management under one contract. This means that one team manages all contracts, supplier relationships and space management, using one software solution or a central software system that integrates with others and can be used by anyone. IFM is a smart way of combining “Hard and Soft” services with the aim of ensuring the smooth functioning of innovative properties such as “smart” buildings, which are increasingly prevalent today.

    Hiring a company that provides these services saves a lot of time and professional facilities management contributes to the operation of any organization, positively affecting the value of property, buildings, and equipment.Property Management (PM) is the day-to-day supervision of residential, commercial or industrial real estate by a third party, usually a professional manager or property management company. Property management has long been considered an expense, but today it has become an integral part of a company’s success.

    Real estate management has become a very important service for most investors because it includes the entire management and control of all processes related to the exploitation of the building, with special reference to commercial and financial management services. The most dynamic segment in property management is certainly the segment of commercial buildings.

    Considering that the real estate market is intensively developing in all segments in addition to office buildings, increasing demand of these services is needed in the segments of residential complexes, retail parks, and logistics parks. The main roles of property managers are to manage routine tasks, delegated by the owner and to preserve the value of the property they manage.

    Some companies specialize in providing management services for a specific property type, while others offer management services for a range of property types. Significant number of property types can be managed in the residential segment (apartment buildings and apartment complexes, family houses, condominiums), commercial real estate (retail parks and shopping centers, office buildings, hotels, restaurants, gas stations, health facilities), as well as industrial complexes (factories, production complexes, plants, warehouses, distribution facilities, logistics parks, steel mills). Numerous types of special-purpose real estate do not fit into the above categories but still require management, such as theaters, schools, universities, sports arenas, homes for the elderly, student dormitories, and the like.

    Facilities Management (FM) is a concept of services and tools to ensure the functionality, comfort, safety, and efficiency of buildings, assets, and company systems which includes services such as technical maintenance, hygiene and cleaning services, physical security, and security systems as well as fire protection services. In addition to this, Facilities management services include the preparation of a long-term strategic plan for the management of a company’s facilities.

    There are two basic areas of Facilities Management:
    Hard Facilities Management and Soft Facilities Management. Hard Facilities Management deals with the physical parts of facilities, such as lighting, plumbing, elevators, air conditioning, heating and cooling systems, to ensure the facilities function smoothly in terms of infrastructure.

    Soft Facilities Management includes tasks performed by people such as cleaning and hygiene services, reception and security, lease management, waste management, and maintenance of green areas and plants.

    Facilities managers are responsible for collecting data on all necessary maintenance and renovation work. They issue orders for minor and major repairs and control plus coordinate their execution. They organize the removal of possible defects during the warranty period of the installed systems, coordinate emergency interventions and organize repairs. They are also in charge of preventive maintenance planning and they provide daily maintenance services for all systems to ensure the smooth functioning of properties.

    When you think of Facilities Management, you usually think of cleaning services adapted to the needs of individual properties and maintenance of hygiene standards in all areas, from offices, retail space, to warehouses and industrial facilities. In addition, the protection of employees and business operations is often under the control of Facilities management, especially the physical security of facilities, people and security systems.

    The threat of fire carries one of the greatest risks for loss of life and property damage. Facilities Management can also be engaged in the maintenance, inspection and testing of fire protection equipment and systems in the facility, keeping records and certificates of compliance.

    Facilities management can also offer a complete landscape maintenance service and they have developed a comprehensive maintenance plan for the external parts of buildings and facades during all seasons and weather conditions, including snow and ice removal.

    Integrated Facilities Management (IFM) is the unification of all solutions and processes related to facility management under one contract. This means that one team manages all contracts, supplier relationships and space management, using one software solution or a central software system that integrates with others and can be used by anyone. IFM is a smart way of combining “Hard and Soft” services with the aim of ensuring the smooth functioning of innovative properties such as “smart” buildings, which are increasingly prevalent today.

    Hiring a company that provides these services saves a lot of time and professional facilities management contributes to the operation of any organization, positively affecting the value of property, buildings, and equipment.

  • Color Trends

    Color Trends in Interior Design in 2023

    The most important color trends in the interior design always were dedicated to the goal that the living space where you spend most of the day becomes your haven, fills you with positive energy, and brings peace and joy to all family members. We asked the experts – interior designers, and they selected the colors that give the walls in the space more than just aesthetics. Although it is a palette of rich color shades that are inspired by nature, they all contribute to experience the interior you are in like a warm, pleasant place to relax, which promotes a good mood and a higher level of attention of a person, which makes them an essential element of the interior.

    In 2023, expect to start seeing a comeback to more dramatic shades. After a few years during which tranquil greens, delicate pink, and chilly neutrals helped to create more soothing home interiors and dominated decor trends, people will start to evoke feelings of power, richness, and enthusiasm. It is expected that bold color shades with a lot of vivacity and strength will be the right choice, as they will bring a touch of serenity and positive feelings to the interior.

    1. Warm Neutrals

    The use of warm neutrals promotes health and ease. Another plus is that they are adaptable to a wide variety of aesthetics. This shade can be easily customized by incorporating complementary hues, fabrics, shapes and materials.
    warm neutrals colors in interior design

    2. The Pink of Softness

    This year, 2023, we’re seeing a lot of pink combined with other colors. It’s a delightful accent that works with everything from dark blues to light neutrals. The big advantage is that you can choose the shade of pink that best suits your sensibility, and it can range from a delicate blush to a screaming magenta.
    pink sofa

    3. All Different Browns

    People want to bring warmth to their homes as well as to add vitality to the space. Because brown is an earth tone, it gives us a sense of stability and closer ties to the natural world. People want to bring warmth into their homes, but they also want to add vitality, and browns can help a place feel both cozy and energetic.

    Modern Appartment with brown colors

    4. Gentle Violet

    The design experts agree that lavender color is experiencing a renaissance and will become a popular trend in interior design in 2023.
    It is often defined as the color of lavender, and the tenderness and softness of the violet make it a calming color, which is why we see it more and more often in bedrooms. This soft splash of color, when paired with luxurious decorations, could make your home look truly unique and lovely. A reading nook accessorized with this color would be the ultimate relaxation place.
    Lavander - purple bedroom design

    5. Ultramarine Blue

    One of the upcoming trends is ultramarine – a rich, bright blue color in all its shades. It is a hue that is vivid, highly concentrated and luxurious.
    It is recommended to use this color in the interior design in combination with white, grey, soft purple, black or some other shade of blue. They are perfectly coordinated, which enables the creation of an elegant, provocative and confident space.
    ultramarine blue color design

    6. Raspberry Blush

    Raspberry Blush is said to be the dominating bold color of 2023. This vibrant red orange is brimming with character and the interior designer’s advice is to try this brilliant color tone on the walls of a living room for a look that’s vivid, pleasant, and appealing. If you’re not ready yet to paint your walls raspberry red, consider using this color to give a worn-out piece of furniture a bold new look or make a striking art print to liven up a plain wall.
    living room raspery blush

    7. Jewel Tones

    Gemstones shades like emerald green, petrol blue, ruby, offer sophistication. The suggestion is to mix them with pastel tones that you may already have in the apartment in the form of details for the decoration of the space and/or as a wall color in a room. Interior designers expect the colors of precious stones to be popular in 2023, which in combination with sharper colors, such as orange, create an unconventional appearance of the space. Try combining aubergine, a popular color this year, with cream and green shades to give an unconventional look to the space with a traditional feel. In addition, eggplant color is a shade of purple with a reddish tint, which is a great substitute for red.
    jewel tones - interior design

    8. Pastels

    Professional interior designers predict that pastel colors, such as dusty blues, clays, and greens, will become highly prevalent in interior design. Everyone is enthusiastic about the comeback of pastels for color trends in 2023.These colors are associated with the awakening of spring, tenderness, optimism and a new beginning. They convey a feeling of softness, calmness and attractiveness. Powdery tones, the color of lavender, soft pink and yellow, pastel green and blue, will appeal to walls and furniture and all decorative elements in the interior. These colors’ palette is large and interior designers advise you to introduce more pastel shades into your home, create their combinations and adapt them to your style. Sometimes it is interesting to introduce more vivid or some darker colors that will add contrast and break the soft aesthetics of pastel shades. It all depends on what you want to achieve in your space.
    Pastel colors - interior design

    9. The peace created by the colors and their temperature in the space

    This year, the dominant shades that bring nature into the home will remain popular, because they are adaptable and the mixing of warm and cool tones, which is very easy to do in interior, stands out as a trend. It includes the use of turquoise or green, which go perfectly with beige shades. In some spaces, the combination of brilliant blue or purple tones with brown, cream and bronze tones creates a kind of harmony. The use of deep dark green to calm warm brown shades or dark orange tones with grey-blue, green or plum color gives an impression of prosperity, luxury, glamour and warmth.

    The advice that interior designers especially emphasize is that if you are thinking about mixing warm and cool tones in space, you need to have a central theme. Never mix the different color temperatures in the room, the one should dominate. They highlighted the shade of white color – Cozy White, which evokes a feeling of comfort and security and transforms the living area into a recognizable and relaxed environment. In addition, most designers prefer the Southern Road color tone, which with its earthy tones stimulates the desire to stop for a moment to relax and enjoy the beauty of life as in nature.

    Transforming a living place into a home that is attractive, welcoming and cozy remains a clear desire and is heavily influenced by the chosen colors. Trends in 2023 will prioritize comfort over anything else.The most important color trends in the interior design always were dedicated to the goal that the living space where you spend most of the day becomes your haven, fills you with positive energy, and brings peace and joy to all family members. We asked the experts – interior designers, and they selected the colors that give the walls in the space more than just aesthetics. Although it is a palette of rich color shades that are inspired by nature, they all contribute to experience the interior you are in like a warm, pleasant place to relax, which promotes a good mood and a higher level of attention of a person, which makes them an essential element of the interior.

  • Main Image of woman looking outside - Office space

    Unlocking the Past: Discovering the Fascinating History of Office Spaces

    From the humble beginnings of cramped desks and typewriters to the modern, vibrant work environments we see today, the history of office spaces is a captivating tale of innovation, culture, and the ever-evolving nature of work. Join us as we delve into the past and explore the fascinating milestones that have shaped the way we work today.

    The Birth of Modern Offices: In the late 19th century, the industrial revolution sparked a significant shift in the way businesses operated. With the advent of telegraph and telephone technologies, the need for centralized workspaces arose.

    The birth of modern offices can be traced back to this era, as companies began to establish centralized locations where employees could collaborate and work together efficiently.

    The Rise of the Typewriter and Office Layouts:With the invention of the typewriter in the late 1800s, office spaces underwent a remarkable transformation. Typewriters replaced handwritten correspondence, leading to increased administrative tasks. To accommodate these new machines, office layouts were redesigned.

    Open floor plans with rows of desks became common, fostering communication and collaboration among employees.

    retro office

    The Influence of Office Layouts on Work Culture: Throughout history, office layouts have played a crucial role in shaping work culture and employee dynamics. Different arrangements have emerged, each with its own impact on collaboration, productivity, and hierarchy within organizations.

    From traditional closed-door offices to open floor plans, variations in office layouts have reflected the evolving philosophies of management and the changing expectations of employees. These designs have aimed to strike a balance between privacy and communication, fostering a sense of community while also allowing for focused individual work.

    Technology’s Impact on Office Spaces: The rapid advancements in technology during the latter half of the 20th century had a profound impact on office spaces. The introduction of computers, fax machines, and later the internet transformed the way work was conducted. Physical documents and typewriters were gradually replaced by digital files and word processors, leading to a reduction in the need for storage and the physical footprint of offices.

    Retro computer in an old office

    Flexible and Remote Work Environments: In recent years, there has been a significant shift towards flexible and remote work environments. Technology advancements such as video conferencing, cloud storage, and collaboration tools have enabled employees to work from anywhere, blurring the boundaries of traditional office spaces.

    This change has brought about new challenges and opportunities, emphasizing the importance of adaptability and work-life balance.

    Modern Office Designs: Today, office designs have evolved to prioritize employee well-being and productivity. Companies are increasingly focusing on creating environments that foster creativity, collaboration, and employee satisfaction. Open floor plans, comfortable breakout spaces, ergonomic furniture, and recreational areas are becoming standard features in many workplaces.

    Additionally, the integration of green spaces and natural elements has gained prominence, promoting a healthier and more sustainable work environment.

    Modern Office Space with city view

    The history of office spaces is a testament to the ever-changing nature of work and the dynamic relationship between technology, culture, and design. From the industrial revolution to the digital age, office spaces have adapted and transformed to meet the evolving needs of businesses and employees.

    As we move forward, the future of office spaces promises to be even more flexible, inclusive, and tailored to the needs of a diverse workforce. Exciting times lie ahead as we continue to redefine the way we work and reshape the office spaces of tomorrow.From the humble beginnings of cramped desks and typewriters to the modern, vibrant work environments we see today, the history of office spaces is a captivating tale of innovation, culture, and the ever-evolving nature of work. Join us as we delve into the past and explore the fascinating milestones that have shaped the way we work today.

    The Birth of Modern Offices: In the late 19th century, the industrial revolution sparked a significant shift in the way businesses operated. With the advent of telegraph and telephone technologies, the need for centralized workspaces arose.

    The birth of modern offices can be traced back to this era, as companies began to establish centralized locations where employees could collaborate and work together efficiently.

    The Rise of the Typewriter and Office Layouts:With the invention of the typewriter in the late 1800s, office spaces underwent a remarkable transformation. Typewriters replaced handwritten correspondence, leading to increased administrative tasks. To accommodate these new machines, office layouts were redesigned.

    Open floor plans with rows of desks became common, fostering communication and collaboration among employees.

    retro office

    The Influence of Office Layouts on Work Culture: Throughout history, office layouts have played a crucial role in shaping work culture and employee dynamics. Different arrangements have emerged, each with its own impact on collaboration, productivity, and hierarchy within organizations.

    From traditional closed-door offices to open floor plans, variations in office layouts have reflected the evolving philosophies of management and the changing expectations of employees. These designs have aimed to strike a balance between privacy and communication, fostering a sense of community while also allowing for focused individual work.

    Technology’s Impact on Office Spaces: The rapid advancements in technology during the latter half of the 20th century had a profound impact on office spaces. The introduction of computers, fax machines, and later the internet transformed the way work was conducted. Physical documents and typewriters were gradually replaced by digital files and word processors, leading to a reduction in the need for storage and the physical footprint of offices.

    Retro computer in an old office

    Flexible and Remote Work Environments: In recent years, there has been a significant shift towards flexible and remote work environments. Technology advancements such as video conferencing, cloud storage, and collaboration tools have enabled employees to work from anywhere, blurring the boundaries of traditional office spaces.

    This change has brought about new challenges and opportunities, emphasizing the importance of adaptability and work-life balance.

    Modern Office Designs: Today, office designs have evolved to prioritize employee well-being and productivity. Companies are increasingly focusing on creating environments that foster creativity, collaboration, and employee satisfaction. Open floor plans, comfortable breakout spaces, ergonomic furniture, and recreational areas are becoming standard features in many workplaces.

    Additionally, the integration of green spaces and natural elements has gained prominence, promoting a healthier and more sustainable work environment.

    Modern Office Space with city view

    The history of office spaces is a testament to the ever-changing nature of work and the dynamic relationship between technology, culture, and design. From the industrial revolution to the digital age, office spaces have adapted and transformed to meet the evolving needs of businesses and employees.

    As we move forward, the future of office spaces promises to be even more flexible, inclusive, and tailored to the needs of a diverse workforce. Exciting times lie ahead as we continue to redefine the way we work and reshape the office spaces of tomorrow.

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